Sale and quality monitoring of mineral products from Danish power plants

002-transport Created with Sketch.

Fly ash for concrete industry

Fly ash is a byproduct from power plants which fire with coal , or a combina...
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001-work-tools Created with Sketch.

Ash for asphaltproduction

AsfaltFiller consist of fly ash which is a byproduct from power plants who fi...
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003-sprout Created with Sketch.

Bio ash

Bio ash is a byproduct from power plants burning biomass. There are two diff...
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Orders must be received by Emineral A/S before 14.00 o´clock the day before the desired delivery.

Orders and change of orders can not be given to drivers.

Cancellation and change of orders are notified to Emineral A/S as soon as possible. By appointment, the order can be delivered outside normal working hours.

Delivery of Fly Ash takes place in accordance with Emineral A/S current

salgs- og leveringsbetingelser.

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